Undergraduate Information RequestThank you for your interest in Houston Christian University!Please complete the form below to request information about our on-campus Undergraduate Programs. If you are interested in a 100% online program, please complete the online information request.Personal Information* denotes a required field.First Name *Last Name *Street Address *Street Address *CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeEmail Address *Mobile Phone *I consent to HCU sending me text messages and automated phone calls. Message and data rates may apply.Date of Birth *Date of Birth *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Academic InformationI will be entering as a... *FreshmanTransferPost Bacc (Degree-seeking)Post-Bacc (Non Degree-Seeking)Potential Enrollment Start Term *Spring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Other/UndecidedUndergraduate Program of InterestBachelor of Arts in Biblical LanguagesBachelor of Arts in Biblical StudiesBachelor of Arts in Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Christian MinistryBachelor of Arts in Classical Christian EducationBachelor of Arts in ClassicsBachelor of Arts in Criminal JusticeBachelor of Arts in EnglishBachelor of Arts in Family StudiesBachelor of Arts in Great TextsBachelor of Arts in HistoryBachelor of Arts in Integrated Behavioral StudiesBachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary StudiesBachelor of Arts in Kinesiology - Sports ManagementBachelor of Arts in Medical HumanitiesBachelor of Arts in MusicBachelor of Arts in Narrative ArtsBachelor of Arts in PhilosophyBachelor of Arts in Political ScienceBachelor of Arts in Pre-Law/Legal StudiesBachelor of Arts in PsychologyBachelor of Arts in SpanishBachelor of Arts in Studio ArtBachelor of Arts in Theological StudiesBachelor of Arts in UndecidedBachelor of Arts to Master of Arts in PsychologyBachelor of Arts to Master of DivinityBachelor of Business Administration in AccountingBachelor of Business Administration in FinanceBachelor of Business Administration in International BusinessBachelor of Business Administration in ManagementBachelor of Business Administration in MarketingBachelor of Fine Arts in AnimationBachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic ArtsBachelor of Fine Arts in Creative WritingBachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic DesignBachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art (BFA)Bachelor of Fine Arts in Video Game DesignBachelor of Music Education- InstrumentalBachelor of Music Education- Vocal/KeyboardBachelor of Music in Music Performance-OrganBachelor of Music in Music Performance-PianoBachelor of Music in Music Performance-VocalBachelor of Science in Biochemistry/Molecular BiologyBachelor of Science in BiologyBachelor of Science in ChemistryBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Cyber EngineeringBachelor of Science in CybersecurityBachelor of Science in EC-12 Art EducationBachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Science in Elementary Education with Bilingual Certification and SPEDBachelor of Science in Elementary Education with ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in English, Language Arts and Reading (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Information SystemsBachelor of Science in Kinesiology Allied HealthBachelor of Science in Kinesiology- EC-12 Teacher CertificationBachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Wellness ManagementBachelor of Science in Learning, Technology and DesignBachelor of Science in MathematicsBachelor of Science in Mathematics (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in NursingBachelor of Science in Science (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Science StudiesBachelor of Science in Social Studies (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Spanish (EC-12) with Teacher Certification and SPEDBachelor of Social WorkWhat type of information would you like to receive? (Select all that apply)*What type of information would you like to receive? (Select all that apply)*Information on scholarships and cost of attendanceInformation on my academic program of interestInformation on scheduling a campus tourInformation about the admissions processWill my credits transfer to HCU?Information about the International Admissions processI have a specific questionPreferred Method of Contact *Preferred Method of Contact *EmailMailPhone CallTextPlease enter any questions or additional information that you would like to receiveCampus (hidden)On CampusOnlineLevel (Hidden)GraduatePost-BaccalaureateUndergraduateMarketing Source (hidden)[Un] Apologetics Day 8/1913th Floor - CPL13th Floor - Email13th Floor - Social13th Floor - Web2016 Incomplete App_other_EC 20142016 Incomplete App_other_EC 20152016 Previous Admit_2 year match_EC 20142016 Previous Admit_2 year match_EC 20152016 Previous Admit_other EC 20152016 Previous Admit_other_EC 20142017 FR Admit 2-year match2017 TR 2-year match2018 TR 2-year match250 - Radio2nd Bap. Woodway Pearcey 8/19811 Media - Landing Unbounce811 Social811 Social - Landing Page811 Social - MSME811 Social - Resident Graduate811 Social - Web FormA&M SA Grad Fair Fall 2020AACCAACC - PartnershipAACC - World ConferenceAACC National ConferenceAACC Opioid Conference 2.2019AACC World Conf - 10.2019ACA New Orleans 2019AccuplacerACT-EOS (Encoura)ACTEOSACTEOS Houston JuniorsACTEOS Primary Texas SeniorsACTEOS Secodary Texas SeniorsACTEOS Texas JuniorsACTPLAN Texas SophomoresAdhere - CC - GRAdhere - CC - UGAdhere - Web - GRAdhere - Web - UGAdvance 360 - Tik TokAero Media - OTTCTVAero Media - SpotifyAldine Info Event 4.2019Aldine Information Cohort Event 2019Aldine Prepare the Dream TourAll Star BachelorsAll Star Directories - GradAll Star Directories - UndergradAll Star MastersAllCampus - GradAllCampus - OnlineAlpha OmegaAlpha Omega Dual Credit ApplicationAmerican Association of Christian CounselorsAO Collins Lecture 2018AoP Christian SchoolsAP (College Board)Apolog. Info Session 8.2021Apologetics DepartmentApplication ImportApplication receivedApplication receivedApplicationU ApplicationApply Texas ApplicationArcher Education - OnlineAscending Leaders Conference 2018Association of Biblical Counselors Conference 4.2019August Apologetics - 8.13.18August Apologetics - 8.27.18August Apologetics - 8.6.18August Apologetics 2019Austin Graduate School Fair 9/19Banner Edge MediaBaptist General Convention of TexasBaylor Seminary Day 4.2020Baylor Seminary School Day 4.2019BeneplaceBestcolleges.comBGCT - 11/19BGCT Conference 7.2018BIOLA Apologetics 1.2019BN MediaBNMedia - RegPathBNMedia - SocialC-SASI Conference April 2019Camden DevelopmentCampus VisitCapital of TX UG Conf. 11.2019CappexCappex ApplicationCappex CandidateCappex Candidate (External)Cappex InquiryCappex Inquiry (External)CAPS Conference March 2019CAPS International Conference 3.2019CaptureCareer & Calling Business Fair 2.21.2019CareerEco Education Fair 4.21CareerEco Psych Fair 4.7.21Carnegie Brand Landing Page RFICarnegie College XPressCarnegie Marketing Campaigns (GR)Carnegie Marketing Campaigns (ON)Carnegie UG Landing Page RFICB Connections (College Board)CBSSCBSS Houston JuniorsCBSS Houston SophomoresCBSS Primary Texas Selection ReligionCBSS Texas JuniorsCBSS Texas SophomoresCCM - BusinessCCM - Christian ThoughtCCM - CounselingCCM - Criminal JusticeCCM - DisplayCCM - GR - BusinessCCM - GR - Christian ThoughtCCM - GR - CounselingCCM - GR - DisplayCCM - GR - MBACCM - GR - MEDCCM - GR - PsychologyCCM - MBACCM - MEDCCM - PsychologyCCM - SearchCCv1 Apol. Conf 8.2021Celebrators Conference October 2019CheggChili Showdown 11.2019Christian ConnectorChristian Connector Web ResponseChristianCollegeGuide.netChurch and Opioid CrisisChurch VisitClark Atl. Univ. Fair 10.14.20Cloud Control - Grad PSMCLT ListCLT Sponsored ApplicationColl. Of Bib. Studies 10.2019College ConsortiumCollege Day ProgramCollege Night ProgramCollege RaptorCollege ReconCollege VineCollege Week LiveCommon App ProspectCommon App SubmittedCommon App SuspectCompassion Roadshow - Arlington, TXCompassion Roadshow - Charlottesville, VACompassion Roadshow - College Station, TXCompassion Roadshow - Cypress, TXCompassion Roadshow - Hershey, PACompassion Roadshow - Lubbock, TXCompassion Roadshow - Wichita Falls, TXConfident Christianity Conference - Aukland May 2018Confident Christianity Conference - Christchurch May 2018Congresso ConferenceConsumer DatabaseCounselor Meet & GreetCRM Recruit Historical- UnknownCTS Tour - NYCCy Fair Teachers Conf. 8/19Cy-Fair Cohort Info Meeting 4.12.2018Cy-Fair Info Event Feb 2019Cy-Fair Info Event March 2019DegreeSightDirect Apply (Stealth App)Direct Apply (Stealth App)DMS (Call)DMS ClicksDMS CPLDoctoral Information Session 3.21.2019Dual Credit ApplicationDuolingo Test ScoreE-Women - Concord 2018E-Women - Concord 2019E-Women - Loveland, COE-Women - Lynchburg VA 10.2019E-Women - Pensacola, FLE-Women - Pensacola, FL - 2018E-Women - Roanoke 2018E-Women - Tulsa, OKE-Women Letter - GRE-Women Letter - UGEAB - Appily GradEAB - Appily OnlineEAB ApplicationEAB Application (Relationship)EAB FormEAB Form (Relationship)EAB Started ApplicationEAB_Capture Search FileEAS Application ReceivedEdD Information Meeting Mar 2019Education Dynamics - Christian ExclusiveEducation Dynamics - ClicksEducation Dynamics - PremierEducationUSA 11.19.20Edutrust - EBSEduVista - MSDSEmail from studentEncoura .90+ NamesEncoura Engineering Late AdditionEncoura RFIESA Honors Society inquiryEvent - Husky ExhibitionEvent: Campus TourEvent: EXP HBU RSVPEvent: Fair or ConferenceEvent: Field Trip VisitEvent: Future Scholars ForumEvent: Graduate RSVPEvent: Group TourEvent: High School Info SessionEvent: HS Lunch VisitEvent: International Student Visit EventEvent: Meet & GreetEvent: Preview RSVPEvent: Senior SaturdayEvent: Summer Sneek PeekEvent: Transfer Open HouseFacebook AdvertisingFacebook LeadFaceheadFacehead - Grad ResFAFSA SubmittedFamily Night at the Game 2.2.2019Family TalkFCC Cheer CampFinancial Aid Webinar 3.7.2018Focus/Refuge ProgramFUGE Summer CampsFuture Busi. Leaders Mar 2019Future Busi. Leaders Mar 2019Future Busi. Leaders Mar 2020G - ACP CohortG - AlumniG - Audience RXG - CarnegieG - Current SeniorsG - Deferral FormG - Document ReceivedG - Information ReceptionG - MED CampaignG - Prior RespondersG - UG SeniorsG - Young AlumniGCLS 2019Gideon Institute Conf. 5.19Global Christian School 2019Global Match ApplicationGlobal Request Information FormGlobal Request Information FormGM1 Texas GMAT 390-800 2018 D3 2/2018GM1_GMAT_Primary_390_800_2019 1/2019GM1_GMAT_Primary_390_800_2019_D1GM1_GMAT_Primary_390_800_2019_D3 1/2019GM2 GMAT Select States 390-800 2018 D3 2/2018GM2_GMAT_Secondary_390_800_2019 D3 1/2019GM2_GMAT_Secondary_390_800_2019_D1GMAT GM1 Texas 390-800 D4 5/2018GMAT GM2 Select States 390-800 D4 5/2018GMAT GP1 Texas Pre-Test D4 5/2018GMAT GP2 Pre-Test Select State D4 5/2018GMAT List Purchase 1.25.2017GMAT List Purchase 1.26.15GMAT List Purchase 2.3.2016GMAT List Purchase 4.30.15GMAT List Purchase 5.19.2016GMAT List Purchase 9.15.2015GMAT List Purchase 9.8.2016GMAT Pre Testers 1/18 - 5/20GMAT Pre-Testers and Testers March 2021GMAT Pre-Testers Mar - Sept 2020GMAT Test Takers 5/2018 - 5/2020GMAT Test Takers Mar - Sept 2020GMAT/GRE Purchase 10.10.2017Go to College Fairs InquiriesGP1 Texas Pre-Test 2018 D3 2/2018GP1_Pre_Test_Primary_2019_D1GP1_Pre_Test_Primary_2019_D3 1/2019GP2 Pre-Test Select State 2018 D3 2/2018GP2_Pre_Test_Secondary_2019_D2GP2_Pre_Test_Secondary_2019_D3 1/2019GPA-Only (College Board)GPA-Only (Encoura)GR - Info Reception March 2018GR Facebook AdvertisingGR Facebook Landing PageGR Info Reception 10.2019GR Info Reception 3.20GR Info Reception Week 3.21GR Virtual Session 3.30.2021GR Virtual Session 4.14.2021GR Virtual Session 4.26.2021GR Virtual Session 5.13.2021GR1 GRE Primary 144-170 2019 1/2019GR1 GRE Primary 144-170 2019 D1 - 20 August 2018GR1 GRE Primary 144-170 2019 D4 - 7 May 2019GR2 GRE Secondary 144-170 2019 D1 - 20 August 2018GR2 GRE Secondary 144-170 2019 D4 - 7 May 2019GR2 Secondary 144-170 2019 D3 1/2019GR3 Tertiary 144-170 2019 D1 - 20 August 2018GR3 Tertiary 144-170 2019 D2 1/2019GR3 Tertiary 144-170 2019 D4 - 7 May 2019Grad Fall Orientation 8/19Grad Info Recep. Fall 2021Grad School Expo 9.20GradGuide.comGradSchool MatchGraduate Request for InformationGraduate School Info Reception 11.2018Graduate School Info Reception 4.2019Graduate School Info Reception RSVP 10.21.2021Graduate School Webinar 2018Graduate Virtual Info 10.29.20GRE 10329079 2/2018GRE 10329080 2/2018GRE 10329081 2/2018GRE 10329082 2/2018GRE 10329083 2/2018GRE 10878221 Texas - Business 144-170 D4 5/2018GRE 10878222 Texas - Education 144-170 D4 5/2018GRE 10878997 Texas - General 144-170 D4 5/2018GRE List Purchase 1.25.2017GRE List Purchase 1.26.15GRE List Purchase 2.3.2016GRE List Purchase 4.30.15GRE List Purchase 5.19.2016GRE List Purchase 5.28.20GRE List Purchase 9.15.2015GRE List Purchase 9.30.2020GRE List Purchase 9.8.2016GRE Purchase 11.20.2017GRE Purchase List 12/5/2019GRE Purchase List 2/5/2020GRE Purchase List 9/13/2019Greenlight Match ApplicationGreenlight Match, ConcourseGridiron - 6.2019GTCF MatchmakingGuaranteed Admission Program (GAP)Gulf Coast HR Symposium 4.2018Gulf Coast HR Symposium 5.20Gulf Coast Symposium 2021Gulf Coast Symposium May 2019HaldaHATC Conference & Student Teacher Job FairHATC Job Fair 11.2019HBU - Graduate Program PageHBU - Online Program PageHBU Alumni 10 years Fall 2018HBU Apologetic Day - February 2019HBU Apologetics 3.20HBU Apologetics Conf. 5.21HBU BAM Fair 2018HBU Busi. Career Fair 2.20HBU Business Career Fair 4.21HBU Business Fair 10/19HBU Church Career Fair Mar-19HBU Ed and Govt. Fair 11/19HBU Edu and Couns. Career Fair 3.20HBU Family DayHBU Ministry/Faith Fair 10/19HBU Nursing Fair 9/19HBU Nursing/Healthcare 2.20HBU Online ApplicationHBU Online RFIHBU Road Piece ResponseHBU Theology Conf. 3.20HBU Theology Day - March 2019HBU Writer's Conference 4.2019HBUO Landing PageHFB Church June 2019High School VisitHISD 2019 Sponsor ExpoHISD 5th Annual Special Education ConferenceHISD Leadership Info 2.20HISD New Teacher Academy 2018HISD Retreat June 2023Hispanic Baptist Conv. TX 6.2019HLE - CPLHLE - CyberHLE - Grad Web LeadsHLE - Undergrad Web LeadsHLE - Warm TransferHope for the Heart Conference - November 2024Hope for the Heart Conference - September 2024Hopper Scholarship RFIHouston Press - GradHouston Press - OnlineHoustons First Baptist- 7/4/21HTS Night March 2019HTS Preview March 2019IC3 ConferenceiDiscipleInformation SessionInternational Student Webinar 4.4.2018IntersectIronsmith - Grad CPLIronsmith - Social UGISIRs on Hold ImportJAMP CampJesus DailyJSJD MediaKaty ISD 2019 Cohort Event 2.26.2019Katy ISD 2020 Event 1.20Katy ISD 2020 Event 2.20Katy ISD 2020 Event 3.20Katy ISD 2020 Event 4.20Katy ISD 2020 Event 5.20Katy ISD Cohort Meeting 2.12.2018Keystone - CPLLBM - EmailLBM - NewsletterLead CapsuleLead Capsule - GraduateLegacy Discipleship March 2019LinkedIn - SocialLinkedIn MailList: Christian ConnectorList: Purchased through RoyallMcNair 3-Day Start Up Water TexasMercy Teddy HealthcareMeredithMeteor PartnershipMigrated ContactMore Info Card ResponseMSME Fall 2019 PushMSME Interest Luncheon 6.15.2018MSME Webinar 5.16.2018Music Audition FormNACAC Virtual College FairNACCAP Guide RFINACCAP Virtual College FairNational Christian College FairNCH Rollover - FR AdmitsNCH Rollover - FR ApplicantsNCH Rollover - TransfersNet Price CalculatorNew Teacher AcademyNicheNiche - GradNiche - OnlineNiche Best-Fit LeadsNiche Conditional AdmitNiche Conditional Admit Prospect BuyNMSU Graduate Fair 10.7.20Non-Assessment (College Board)Noodle - CPLNRCCUANRCCUA (Encoura)NRCCUA Houston JuniorsNRCCUA Houston SophomoresNRCCUA Primary Texas SeniorsNRCCUA Secondary Texas SeniorsNRCCUA Texas JuniorsNRCCUA Texas SophomoresNursing and Kinesiology Career FairOfficial CLT Score ReceivedOfficial Test Score - GMATOfficial Test Score - GREOfficial Test Scores - TOEFL/IELTSOnline Connect 7/24/2019 RSVPOnline Event RegistrationOnline Lead Conduit ImportOnline Open House - February 2019Online Open House - October 2018Online Request for InformationOpen House July 2019OptimalOther (College Board)Other (Encoura)Other Texas JuniorsOther Texas SophomoresOutreach MediaParable Group - EmailParable Group - SocialParchment - Transcript ReceivedPartnerPartner (Relationship)Pasadena ISD 1.2020Pasadena ISD Employee University FairPastor Appreciation Breakfast 2018Pastors Breakfast Feb 2019Pastors Breakfast Sept 2019Phone call from studentPLAN Houston JuniorsPlan Texas SophomoresPPI (Prospect Pool Inquiry)Practice CLT Score ReceivedPray.comPreACTPreACT (Encoura)Private Colleges & UniversitiesProspect Direct - MBA EmailPSATPSAT (College Board)PSAT Houston JuniorsPSAT Houston JuniorsPSAT Houston SophomoresPSAT Houston Sophomores Avg-AbilityPSAT Texas JuniorsPSAT Texas SophomoresPSM - BusinessPSM - Christian ThoughtPSM - CounselingPSM - Criminal JusticePSM - Cyber SecurityPSM - DisplayPSM - GR - BusinessPSM - GR - Christian ThoughtPSM - GR - CounselingPSM - GR - DisplayPSM - GR - MBAPSM - GR - MEDPSM - GR - PsychologyPSM - GR - SearchPSM - MBAPSM - MEDPSM - PsychologyPSM - SearchPTK Member SubscriptionRadiant - TX GeoRaise.meReadmission ApplicationREC Team ProgramREC Team SummerRedVentures EdReferral: Alumni/DevelReferral: AthleticsReferral: Faculty/StaffReferral: Special ProjectsRequest Information FormRes UG ApplicationsResumeRFI - INTLRFI-COSERFI-SOFARising Husky ApplicationRKDRNL PIMarketingRockport AdvisersRockport Advisers - GraduateRoyall Affinity MarketingRoyall ApplicationRoyall Search DeferralsRoyall Search piece responseRoyall Search piece sentRoyall Sr Search piece sentRoyall Started Internal AppRPLUS ImportSage ScholarsSalemSalem - Bible GatewaySalem - CPLSalem - Open ProgramSAT (College Board)SAT Primary Texas SeniorsSAT Secondary Texas SeniorsSBC Annual Conf. 2019Scanner LeadSchedule Campus Tour FormScholarship Application SubmittedSchool District List - Below 3.0Schriner University 10.2019Scoir ImportSearch Non-ResponderSecret Pain Conf. 2.20SFA Preseminary Day 10.2019SHRM - Chigaco, IL 2018SHRM 2019Silver Eagle DistributorsSISD - Educator Prep Sept 2023Slate Application ReceivedSOCT Events 2019 - Tallon ReferralSouth TX Consortium 10.20Southwest HRSpecial Education Conference 7.2019Spring ISD Cohort Interest Meeting 10/2018Spring ISD MEd In Ed Admin Cohort Interest Meeting 5/10/2018St. Edwards School Fair 10.13.20St. Edwards School Fair 10/19Started Slate ApplicationStrategic 21Summer 2020 Rollout Inquiry FormSummer 2023 FormSummit Stu. Conf 5.19Suspect ConversionSXSW The Learning ExpoTABE Conference 2018TABS Conv. 2.12.21TACRAO Virtual College FairTAMU Graduate School Day 10/19TAMU San Antonio Fair 10/19TAMUCC Graduate Fair 10/19Tarleton State School Fair 9.24.20TASA Midwinter Conference 2020TASC Advisors Workshop 9.19TCEATeaching and Learning Sym. Mar 2019Test Score Import - ACTTest Score Import - APTest Score Import - College BoardTest Score Import - GRETexas Ministry Conference - February 2019Texas Virtual Grad School Fair 9.22.2020The AcademyThe Giving Company - DripThe Univ. of TX 10.13.20Third Annual Chili Showdown 11.2018THSC ConferenceTLU Grad & Prof. Fair 10.20Transcript ReceivedTransfer College FairTSIA2 Score ReportTX AM Grad Schools Conf Sept 2023TX Assoc. of BusinessTx Association of Baptist Schools - February 2019TX Grad School Virtual Fair 10/19TX Job Fair 4.20TX Lutheran Grad School 10/19TX Swing 18 - Austin CollegeTX Swing 18 - Baylor UniversityTX Swing 18 - Huston-Tilloston UniversityTX Swing 18 - Our Lady of the Lake UniversityTX Swing 18 - St. Edward's UniversityTX Swing 18 - Texas A&M Corpus ChristiTX Swing 18 - Texas A&M KingsvilleTX Swing 18 - Texas A&M Univ San AntonioTX Swing 18 - Texas A&M UniversityTX Swing 18 - Texas Lutheran UniversityTX Swing 18 - Texas TechTX Swing 18 - Texas Wesleyan UniversityTX Swing 18 - Texas Woman's UniversityTX Swing 18 - University of Texas AustinTX Swing 18 - UNTTX Swing 18 - UT ArlingtonTX Swing 18 - UT DallasTX Swing 18 - UT Rio Grande Valley BrownsvilleTX Swing 18 - UT San AntonioTX Tech Grad Fair 11.5.20TX Virtual Grad Fair 10.16.20TX Virtual Grad Fair 11.4.20TX Woman's Univ Fair 9/19TxGAP Grad FairUH - Dntwn Graduate Fair 10/19UH Clear Lake Fair 11.2019UH Graduate Fair 10.2019UHCL Teacher Fair 4.7.21UnApologetic Evangelism Conf 8.2019UnApologetic Tour Feb 2019UnknownUNM Grad & Prof. Fair 10.20UNT Graduate School Fair 9/19UNT School Fair 9.19Urban Youth Leaders Conf 6.2019UT Arl - Grad School Fair 9/19UT Austin School Fair 10/19UT Dal - Grad School Fair 9/19UTSA Grad School Fair 10/19Veteran Career Fair March 2019Veteran Request for InformationVirtual College Fair_OtherVisit: ScheduledVisit: VirtualVisit: Walk inVocal CampWeb - AcademixDirectWeb - Campus ExplorerWeb ChatWeb Direct IncWeb inquiry from studentWeb Search ApplicationWeb, Create AccountWeb, InquiryWilburforce Weekend - 5.2019WoJ - Branson - October 2019Women of Joy - Branson April 2019Women of Joy - Myrtle Beach 5.2019Women of Joy - Pigeon Forge April 2019Women of Joy - Pigeon Forge October 2019Women of Joy - San AntonioWomen of Joy - San Antonio - 9.2019Women of Joy Conference 2018Women of Joy- Indy - 8.2019Woodlands North HoustonXtian Connector Texas JuniorsXtian Connector Texas SophomoresYouth for Christ FairYouVisitYouVisit InquiryZeeMeeZeta (Call)Zeta (Web)Zeta InteractiveZeta Organic Search (Web)ZinchSubmit