Global Husky ProgramLoading... Purpose:The purpose of the Global Husky Program is to support students as they pursue international education through a summer study abroad opportunity. Eligibility Requirements for the Global Husky Scholarship:Applicants must be a current, full-time, undergraduate, residential, degree seeking student.Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.Scholarship recipients must remain in good academic and disciplinary standing.Priority consideration will be given to students with demonstrated needApplicants must be admitted to an HCU Abroad approved summer program. As a recipient of the Global Husky Scholarship:All scholarship recipients will be required to write a thank you letter to the foundation after receiving the scholarship.Students will be required to participate in an "Instagram Takeover" while abroad.Upon returning students will be required to:Submit 2 photos and a quote about their overseas experience.Assist in 2 HCU Abroad events (1 per semester) in the following academic year.Scholarship Application Deadline:Scholarship deadline is: March 1, 2024Applications received after this date will go on a waitlist for consideration based on scholarship fund availability.Additional Information: Contact Eduardo Borges with questions: eborges@hc.eduProgram DetailsStudy Abroad ConfirmationI have already been approved for a study abroad opportunity:I have already been approved for a study abroad opportunity:YesNoStudy Abroad ProgramPlease select which program you have been admitted to:Please select which program you have been admitted to:Absolute InternshipAmerican College of GreeceAPIHanyang International Summer SchoolJohn Cabot University RomeLiving and LearningOxford (Honors)Passages IsraelRichmond American University LondonSummer in SpainWorldstrides VeritasWhat is the cost of your program including housing (not including flight)?What is the estimated cost of a flight to your program destination?What is the start date of your program?What is the end date of your program?Student InformationHousingAre you a resident or commuter student?Are you a resident or commuter student?ResidentCommuterStudent Applicant InformationH# NumberIf you do not know your HuskyNet User ID, you can look it up here.I am a...I am a...FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorStudent First NameStudent Last NamePreferred Phone NumberPreferred Email AddressCurrent Mailing AddressCurrent Mailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeAcademic InformationCumulative GPATotal Credit Hours EarnedAnticipated Graduation (Month and Year)Area of StudyBachelor of Arts in Biblical LanguagesBachelor of Arts in Biblical StudiesBachelor of Arts in Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts in Christian MinistryBachelor of Arts in Classical Christian EducationBachelor of Arts in ClassicsBachelor of Arts in Criminal JusticeBachelor of Arts in EnglishBachelor of Arts in Family StudiesBachelor of Arts in Great TextsBachelor of Arts in HistoryBachelor of Arts in Integrated Behavioral StudiesBachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary StudiesBachelor of Arts in Kinesiology - Sports ManagementBachelor of Arts in Medical HumanitiesBachelor of Arts in MusicBachelor of Arts in Narrative ArtsBachelor of Arts in PhilosophyBachelor of Arts in Political ScienceBachelor of Arts in Pre-Law/Legal StudiesBachelor of Arts in PsychologyBachelor of Arts in SpanishBachelor of Arts in Studio ArtBachelor of Arts in Theological StudiesBachelor of Arts in UndecidedBachelor of Arts to Master of Arts in PsychologyBachelor of Arts to Master of DivinityBachelor of Business Administration in AccountingBachelor of Business Administration in FinanceBachelor of Business Administration in International BusinessBachelor of Business Administration in ManagementBachelor of Business Administration in MarketingBachelor of Fine Arts in AnimationBachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic ArtsBachelor of Fine Arts in Creative WritingBachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic DesignBachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art (BFA)Bachelor of Fine Arts in Video Game DesignBachelor of Music Education- InstrumentalBachelor of Music Education- Vocal/KeyboardBachelor of Music in Music Performance-OrganBachelor of Music in Music Performance-PianoBachelor of Music in Music Performance-VocalBachelor of Science in Biochemistry/Molecular BiologyBachelor of Science in BiologyBachelor of Science in ChemistryBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Cyber EngineeringBachelor of Science in CybersecurityBachelor of Science in EC-12 Art EducationBachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Science in Elementary Education with Bilingual Certification and SPEDBachelor of Science in Elementary Education with ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in English, Language Arts and Reading (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Information SystemsBachelor of Science in Kinesiology Allied HealthBachelor of Science in Kinesiology- EC-12 Teacher CertificationBachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Wellness ManagementBachelor of Science in Learning, Technology and DesignBachelor of Science in MathematicsBachelor of Science in Mathematics (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in NursingBachelor of Science in Science (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Science StudiesBachelor of Science in Social Studies (7-12) with Teacher Certification and ESL and SPEDBachelor of Science in Spanish (EC-12) with Teacher Certification and SPEDBachelor of Social WorkAre you an Honors College Student?Are you an Honors College Student?YesNoFinancial InformationHave you completed and submitted a 2024-2025 FAFSA Application to Houston Christian University?Have you completed and submitted a 2024-2025 FAFSA Application to Houston Christian University?YesNoAre you eligible to submit a FAFSA?Are you eligible to submit a FAFSA?YesNoAre you a Pell Grant Recipient?Are you a Pell Grant Recipient?YesNoWhat other study abroad scholarships have you applied for and/or received for your upcoming program?ResumeResumePlease upload a copy of your resume.Short Answer QuestionThis is a competitive scholarship, please use the space below to give the scholarship committee additional insight into you as an applicant. Check for spelling and grammar before submission. Explain how you believe studying abroad will help you achieve your academic, personal, and professional goals and positively affect your opportunities for engagement at HCU? (500 words max)Award Form CertificationI certify that all information provided on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the Study Abroad Committee to verify the information that is contained on this form including permission to view my disciplinary record. If I receive a Global Husky scholarship I agree to the requirements listed above for recipients.NOTE: The goal of the Global Husky Scholarship is meant to supplement the costs of an HCU student's study abroad program and will not cover the full cost of a program. Students are encouraged to continue to apply for external scholarships.SignatureSubmit